竟然两组都要走到台场。 我觉得不愧是很远,所以推荐乘坐电车和巴士,写在纸上带您去,但是年轻的情侣说想走到能走的地方,就这样穿过胜时桥,笔直前进了。
As I was walking near Kachidoki bride and Tsukiji area, two groups of foreign guests were having trouble finding their way so I volunteered to help.
Surprisingly, both groups were trying to visit Odaiba by walking. Since it is a long distance to Odaiba, I have recommended them to use subways and buses and wrote down the information for guidance but a young couple wanted to walk until they feel tired and give up so they crossed the bridge and proceeded. Both groups were polite and appreciated very much but I was amazed to find out that the distance sense of foreign guests does not equal with us Japanese.
Perhaps the way people feel differs between countries and individuals, but I kept in my mind that considering guests' outfits and moods is necessary for proper guidance.