





优雅、优雅的中央区                       Elegant and Elephant !? Chuo-ku!

[HK] 2016年7月20日14:00


前几天,老导游S先生带我参观了滨离宫恩赐庭园,听说了8代将军吉宗时代从越南远道而来的大象被饲养着。 据说吉宗对载着普贤菩萨的白象非常感兴趣。 大象从越南远渡长崎,为了适应日本的气候,在长崎停留了1年,之后花了70天时间步行到江户移动。


Fortunately, I had an opportunity to walk around Hamarikyu Garden with a very experienced guide, S-san. Then I learned that there used to be an elephant kept in the garden during the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune's regime. It is told that Yoshimune was very much interested in white elephant, which was told to be ridden by Fugen Bosatsu (Buddhist saint). The real elephant came from Vietnam, stopping over in Nagasaki an year for weather adjustment, and came to Edo by walking. It took 70 days to arrive. CIMG1629.JPG 


I myself am also an elephant lover! So, I decided to walk around the city looking for elephants.




去新川的越前堀儿童公园就能见到亲子象了。 夏天从大象的鼻子像喷泉一样喷出水,让孩子们玩水很热闹。  对于真实的母象,简单的小象非常可爱。  公园位于越前福井藩主松平越前守的宅邸遗迹。


If you visit Echizenbori Park, you can encounter an elephant family. During the summer, water spurts from parent elephant's nose like a fountain and excites children. Unlike realitically made parent, a child elephant is built so simple but it is adorable. The park is made on the ground where use to be the house site of Echizen Matsudaira clan.





太有名了,是日本桥高岛屋屋顶的员工用电梯室。  以前屋顶上饲养大象高子的痕迹是以大象为印象而制作的。   因为拍摄日是屋顶施工中,所以部分隐藏着,但是大象的剪影已经确认了。


Very popular spot ! An elevator facility room on the roof of Nihonbashi Takashimaya department store. Takashimaya used to keep an elephant named "Takako" on the roof, and as a memory, this elevator room was designed with an image of an elephant. Unfortunately, the roof was under construction on the date photo was taken but still, one can identify the elephant silhouette.




银座的德里里姆咖啡馆的粉红大象的招牌也很可爱。  这是一家可以喝多种比利时啤酒的咖啡馆。也吃午饭。(银座三原小路角)


Signboard of Cafe in Ginza is also sweet. A pink elephant! This cafe offers varieties of Belgium and nice meal during lunch time.





银座6丁目的多佛街市场1楼的Elephant Space。  虽然这里是时尚大厦,但不知为何每个季节都有用品牌装饰大象的埃尔芬特空间。  虽然很时尚,但是走着去就会突然出现,有点吃惊。


Do you know there is a spot so called "Elepaht Space" in Ginza? It is on the first floor of Dover Street Market Ginza. This whole facility is exclusively stylish and Elephant Space decoration changes seasonally. Below are the pictures taken in early July.




It was like this in spring.





最后在Malonie Gate的餐厅前有这么可爱的显示器。  我想还有很多大象景点,总之这次就到此结束。


I believe there are many other wonderful displays and facilities, but this is it for this time. Cute yellow elephant was displayed at the restaurant floor of Marronnier Gate in Ginza.






Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to S-san, who shared her valuable knowledge with me at Hamarikyu Garden, and O-san, who joined our tour.